TCM- Functions of the Bladder
Removes Water by Qi Transformation
Organs that work in conjunction with Bladder to control urination:
-Small Intestine and Bladder work together to move fluids in the Lower Burner as the Bladder receives the clean part of fluids separated by the Small intestine.
-Heart exerts an influence on urination as the heart qi needs to descend towards the Small intestine and bladder to help the excretion of urine.
-The Triple Burner assists the bladder in it's function of fluid transformation. More specifically, the lower burner, which has the function of making sure that water passages int eh lower part of the body are open and free.
- The liver also exerts and influence on urination as its channel flows around the end of the eruthra. Free flow of liver qi ensures smooth urination
-The Lungs are related to the Bladder via the Kidneys. Lung Qi descends to the KD to promote the transformation of fluids and excretion of urine. For this reason, a deficiency of Lung Qi, may cause urinary retention due to the failure of Lung Qi to descend to the Bladder to promote urination.
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