
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Governing Vessel- Du Mai

Governing Vessel (GV):
This vessel emerges at GV-1, which is located midway between the coccyx and the anus. The next point on this channel is on the Haitus of the Sacrum. After this point, the next 15 points are located below different spinous processes.
From bottom up, the order of the processes are Lumbar (L) 5 and counting backwards up to L2. This is followed by Thoracic (T) 12, up to T1. Next are the Cervical Processes (C), beginning with C7 up to C1.
Because this channel moves upwards externally, the number of the points will also be numerical from bottom to top. There will be a GV point located below every spinous process except:


The space below the top spinous process is not palpable, so to locate this (GV-15), have the person tip their head back and you'll be able to feel a hole below the External Occipital Protuberance (EOP). This spot is also known as .5 cun above the posterior hairline.
GV16 is located in the depression below the EOP.
The distance between GV16-20 is 6 cun and each of the points are 1.5 cun from eachother. GV 20 is located at the vertex of the skull. (To review how to count cun, please refer back to The Conception Vessel)
The distance between the anterior hairline (AHL) and GV20 is 5 cun.
GV 21- 3.5 cun posterior to the AHL
GV 22- 2 cun posterior to the AHL
GV 23- 1 cun posterior to the AHL
GV 24- .5 cun posterior to the AHL

GV 25- is on the tip of the nose
GV 26- between the nose and the upper lip
GV 27- on the midline, where lip and skin meet (top lip)
GV 28- On the inside of the mouth where the inside of lip meets the gums