
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Large Intestine- Yangming

The large intestine is a yang organ. It is paired with the lungs. This meridian has 20 points on it and its element is metal.

The internal pathway begins in the supraclavicular fossa and swings around the neck to GV14. It then goes back and enters at the supraclavicular fossa and connect to the Lungs then the Large intestine. There is one bramch that at ST12 (supraclavicular fossa) goes up the neck to the inside of the mouth (lower gums), then crosses to the other side of the face and then connect to the stomach channel. Another branch travels to ST 37 (a lower HeSea point).

The Luo Channel begins at LI6 and travels to LI15, then splits to the ears and teeth.

LI1- .1 cun from radial corner of nail on the index finger
LI2- on the radial border of the index finger, in the depression distal to the metacarpophalangeal (MP) point (under the bone, between the muscle and bone)
LI3- radial side of the index finger, in the depression proximal to the MP joint
LI4- (no needle or moxa at pregnancy) on dorsum of hand, on the radial side of the 2nd metacarpal, at the midpoint of the shaft, near the edge of the bone.
LI5- level with the wrist crease in the center of the hollow created with extensor pollicis longus and brevis
LI6- 3 cun proximal to LI5, on the line connecting LI5 and LI11 (Luo point)
LI7- 5 cun proximal to LI5, on the line connecting LI5 and LI11
LI8- 8 cun proximal to LI5, on the line connecting LI5 and LI11
LI9- 9 cun proximal to LI5, on the line connecting LI5 and LI11
LI10- 10 cun proximal to LI5, on the line connecting LI5 and LI11
LI11- midwat between LU5 and lateral epicondyle - found with the elbow flexed
LI12- with the elbow flexed, in depression 1 cun proximal to LI-11 and 1 cun lateral
LI13- 3 cun proximal to LI11, on a line connected to LI11 and LI15
LI14- 7 cun proximal to LI11, on a line connected to LI11 and LI15
LI15- in a depression inferior and anterior to the acromiom process
LI16- (Caution deep needling) in a depression, medial to the acromiom process, between the lateral end of the clavicle and the spine of the scapula
LI17- (caution with corroded and jugular artery) 1 cun inferior to LI18 and posterior to the SCM
LI18- between the two heads of the SCM, level with the laryngeal prominence
LI19- below the lateral border of the nostril, level with GV26
LI20- in the nasolabial groove, level with the midpoint of the Ala nasi